Thursday, February 17, 2011


Yesterday we had a memorial service for my Mother-in-Law, Jo Ann.  She passed away on Saturday, February 12th early in the morning.  While it was not totally unexpected, it was still a shock and, of course, sad. 

Yesterday, I helped Jim put together a photo album of pictures; many of Jo Ann, and then more of all of his family.  It was really nice to look over old photos and remember times gone by for Jim and his family.   During the visitation, we were speaking with people who knew her and it seemed everyone had the same wonderful thing to say about Jo Ann.  "Jo Ann LOVED her children and family!"  What a wonderful legacy to leave behind.  She really loved her children and grandchildren and that was her focus in life.  The truly wonderful thing is that not only did others know this firsthand, but her children and grandchildren also "really know" this about her.  They felt her love all their lives and were so blessed to have her as a mother and grandmother.  What a great way to remember a wonderful woman.  Rest easy, Jo Ann.


  1. What a wonderful legacy to leave. I would also like to see the album when it's finished. I had a feeling she was a special lady.

  2. Sending love. Thanks for telling this lovely story.
